2025 RBWH Research Project Grants (SERTA Funded)

This is a preview of the 2025 RBWH Research Project Grants (SERTA Funded) form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Advice to Applicants

* indicates a required field.

2025 RBWH Research Project Grants (SERTA Funded)

The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH), with the generous support of the Study, Education and Research Trust Account (SERTA) Advisory Committee, aim to provide financial support to RBWH researchers to undertake original and highly innovative research projects that have the potential to:

  • directly affect the care provided to RBWH patients, including translational research and new models of care;
  • foster collaborations across RBWH departments, and/or between RBWH and other facilities and external partners; and
  • support development of research skills by RBWH staff and consumers. 

The Project Grants scheme is intended to seed research projects undertaken by RBWH staff at the RBWH. Priority will be given to proposals with the potential of being developed into work that can compete for larger scale external support, and to supporting proposals that will enable RBWH early career researchers to develop their research careers.

Key Dates

Full Applications

Applications open:                  13 August 2024

Applications close:                  8 October 2024

Review process:                       October 2024

Notification of outcomes:        late November 2024

Note: This timetable is subject to change without notice, with the exception of the closing date for applications. 

Applications are to be submitted only through SmartyGrants using the requisite online application form by the advertised closing date. Applications that are incomplete or submitted after the deadline will be considered in-eligible. 


The following eligibility criteria must be met by all applicants:

  • The Chief Investigator (CI-A) must hold a substantive appointment at RBWH (minimum of 0.2 FTE) for the duration of the project grant.
  • In the case of honorary or less than 0.2 FTE appointments including consumers, the research must be conducted at RBWH, and the application must include a statement, explaining the role of the CI-A at RBWH.
  • The CI-A has successfully met research reporting requirements and demonstration of successful execution of projects supported by previous RBWH grants, fellowships, or scholarships. Failure to successfully acquit previous RBWH grants, fellowships or scholarships will impact eligibility for future RBWH grant rounds.
  • The CI-A must not be awarded equivalent funds for the same project from other sources. The proposed research must not be concurrently funded by an established funder of medical research. The CI-A must disclose all other sources of funding for the same project. The RBWH Research Office may liaise with other funding agencies to discuss any overlap between applications to avoid duplication of funding.
  • Where research involves other facilities and/or external partners, the impact and outcomes for RBWH patients must be clear with distinct articulation of RBHW specific outcomes.
  • Evidence of research ethics and governance approval specific to the applicant’s project must be provided within 6 months of commencement of the project start date. 
  • Support to conduct the research is provided by the relevant RBWH Head of Department/s. A signed Letter of Support and endorsement of the application must be provided.
  • The relevant Service Line Business Manager must approve the research budget by the application due date. Approved budgets provided past the deadline will result in an ineligible application.
  • Please note that an investigator can only submit one grant as CI-A per year under this scheme. 
  • Comply with requested reporting and promotional requirements. 
Applicant Declaration * Required
Response required.