2025 RBWH Research Fellowship Grants

This is a preview of the 2025 RBWH Research Fellowship Grants form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Advice to Applicants

RBWH Research Fellowship Grants

The 2025 RBWH Fellowship Grants aim to support research capacity building at RBWH by funding dedicated research or backfill time for an individual to undertake research activities that align with hospital priorities. The 2025 Research Fellowship Grant scheme has been made possible by the RBWH Study, Education and Research Trust Account (SERTA) Advisory Committee.

In 2025, Research Fellowship Grants will be awarded in two categories:

  1. Early career researcher (ECR) fellowships. Six 1-year ECR Research Fellowships (up to $40,000) are on offer with up to three being awarded for 2 years (up to $80,000 in total). For this scheme, an ECR is defined as: (a) an individual within three years of completing a research higher degree (MPhil, PhD or equivalent), or (b) an individual who has not commenced or completed a research higher degree and is within 10 years of commencing active research as indicated by grants and publications. Note: for assessment, track record comparisons will be made within groups, not between groups (“a” and “b”). 
  2. Research higher degree (RHD) scholarships. Six 2-3 year RHD Scholarships (up to $40,000 per year) are on offer with the possibility of 2 years of funding for undertaking an MPhil (or equivalent) or 3 years of funding for undertaking a PhD (or equivalent). Successful applicants must be enrolled in a RHD (MPhil, PhD or equivalent) for the duration of the scholarship.

Track record will have a relatively smaller weighting (10%) and consideration of career disruptions and “relative to opportunity” will be given.

Key Dates

Open:  Monday, 24 September 2024

Close:  Monday, 4 November 2024

Notification of Outcomes - December 2024


RBWH staff (individual applicants) are eligible to apply for an ECR Fellowship or RHD Scholarship, which are both referred to below by the terms “Research Fellowship” or “fellowship” (or “fellow” for a successful applicant). To be considered eligible for a Research Fellowship, applicants must:

  • Be temporary or permanent employees of Metro North and based at RBWH for a minimum of 0.2 FTE during the fellowship.
  • Nominate at least one appropriately qualified supervisor.
  • Provide a proposal to develop and undertake a body of research aligned with RBWH priorities and/or directly involving RBWH patients, staff or community.
  • Not be the recipient of a Metro North Health or Queensland Health Clinician Research Fellowship (or similar fellowship) during the RBWH Research Fellowship.

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure enough time is allowed for obtaining signatures, i.e. Line Manager, Principal Supervisor and Head of Department. Please consider the time frames of the administrative process and take into consideration public holidays and planned leave for delegates. Applications that are late and/or do not include the necessary signatures will not be accepted.