Herston Health Precinct Symposium 2024 Abstracts

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2024 Herston Health Precinct Symposium Abstract Submission

* indicates a required field.

Call for Abstracts – Oral and Poster Presentations

The 2024 Herston Health Precinct Symposium Program Committee is calling for oral and poster presentations to feature at the Symposium. Abstract submissions are open to staff, consumers, students and other persons undertaking research at, or in collaboration with, the RBWH, the Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS) and the many medical research institutes, universities and organisations that form the Herston Health Precinct.

Oral presentations: the Symposium will feature a limited number of oral presentations (approximately 25-30) selected from abstract submissions. Oral presentations will be strictly 7 minutes in total followed by 2-3 minutes of question time. If your abstract is not selected for an oral presentation, you will have the opportunity to submit a poster presentation.

Poster presentations: we encourage as many posters as possible to feature at the Symposium. If you are accepted for a poster presentation, you will be provided detailed submission instructions and a template for submission of an ePoster, which will be printed for display during the 2024 Herston Health Precinct Symposium (at no charge to presenters).  Posters and ePosters will also be displayed throughout the Herston Campus over the following 12 months and on the Symposium website. If accepted for a poster, you will be invited to attend and stand by your poster for an informal poster presentation session from 1.30 – 2.00 pm on either the 2nd or 3rd September. Poster presenters will be invited to attend one of these two sessions to discuss their research findings as part of the Symposium networking session from 1-2 pm.

Applicants for oral and poster presentations will be asked to provide the following:

  • Presenter name/s and contact details (maximum of 2)
  • Co-investigators
  • Herston partner affiliations of presenters and co-investigators
  • Title of the study or presentation
  • An overview of the study or presentation

The overview should be no more than 300 words in length and will only be accepted in Word or PDF format (.doc, .docx or .pdf). Please include the following:

  • Sentence stating the purpose of the study
  • Brief description of the methods
  • Statement of results
  • Statement of conclusions

Note: for abstract submissions that do not fit the above format, a brief description of the proposed presentation is required with details of the intent and proposed content.

All oral and poster presentation requests will be reviewed prior to acceptance and successful applicants will be informed by early August 2024.

Awards: Oral and poster presentations will be eligible for one or more of a number of awards on offer at the Symposium, including awards in the following categories:  Best Discovery and Innovation Research, Best Clinical Research, Best Translational Research Into Practice, Best Nursing & Midwifery Research Award, Best Allied Health Research Award, Best Consumer Research Award and the Early Career Research Award. The Early Career Research Award will be open to individuals within 5 years of completing their research higher degree (MPhil, PhD or equivalent) or within 5 years of commencing active research (as indicated by grants and publications), including undergraduate and research higher-degree students.

The Awards ceremony will be conducted at the Herston Health Precinct Symposium at the closing event, 12-1 pm on Wednesday, 4th September. 

Applicant Details

Must be an email address. 
Early Career Researcher: * Required
Undertaking a research higher degree: * Required
Please select which category best describes your role/profession: * Required
Response required.
Must be an email address. 
Early Career Researcher:
Undertaking a research higher degree:
Please select which category best describes your role/profession:
What type of presentation would you like to be considered for? (Multiple options allowed) * Required
At least 1 choice must be selected. 
What roles/professional groups are represented by the Co-Investigators? (Multiple options allowed) * Required
Response required.
At least 1 choice must be selected. 
Please identify all Herston Partner affiliations for the Presenters/Co-Investigators: (Multiple options allowed) * Required
Response required.
At least 1 choice must be selected. 
Word count:
Must be no more than 100 words. 
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